Is this really an AI revolution?

ChatGPT was released in 2022.

Two years later, the technology has been improved and improved, and iterated and iterated. Have you found a profit point?

And no matter how the parameters of the model are increased, the IQ of AI cannot be further improved.

Because information pollution is inevitable, the more training, the easier it is to be polluted.

How many users does 5G, which you criticize every day, have from 2019 to now? 900 million, and one user is about 40 yuan a month. You can calculate it yourself, 36 billion a month, that is real money, and the operators really make money.

What is AI used for in the United States now? Writing worthless papers, drawing pornographic pictures, and literary videos. Many people are climaxing and shouting that designers are going to lose their jobs!

Losing your job is a fart, you painters, don’t worry, you will not lose your job.

Why? Because through the arrangement of local pixels, specific text combinations, and audio processing, it is easy to achieve signatures. Videos, audios, and pictures are the same. When these AI start charging, your boss will find that you are still cheaper.

These big guys in China are very smart and know that making industry big models is the way out.

I won’t talk about the advantages of industry big models. To put it simply, they can really help companies save money. For example, machine vision, that is really a device that can serve as 10 skilled quality inspectors. But this kind of thing can only be done in China, because only China has industrial soil.

Finally, for AI to be truly commercialized, it still needs to be combined with hardware.

You see, Boston is almost going bankrupt, and a lot of domestic companies that make robot dogs and robots are still doing well.

So what the hell is the AI ​​revolution, it’s still too early.

Now it’s hot because capital = computing power card = computing power = big model = stock price increase!

This is essentially just stepping on the left foot and ascending to the sky.

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