About Me

Hello everyone, I am Mingyue, a network operation and maintenance worker from Henan, China. My main job is to provide remote server operation and maintenance for website servers. I like to drink tea, keep pet fish and pet turtles. I also have a Teddy poodle named “Diandian”, although it looks a bit old, after all, it is already in its teens.

As a Chinese, this is Mingyue’s first attempt to create a pure English personal blog with the help of machine translation. This is a purely personal blog, mainly sharing the bits and pieces of her work and life, as well as the technical experience of building this blog website.

Because this is the first time I’ve tried a blog with English content, I haven’t yet finalized the WordPress theme I’m going to use. So you may see different website layouts in the future. Don’t worry, that’s because Mingyue is trying out various WordPress themes!